ChatGPT Models in Data Analysis



ChatGPT Models in Data Analysis

ChatGPT models, AI-powered conversational agents, are revolutionizing the way we approach data analysis. Here’s a quick rundown of what they can do and how they can help:

  • Understand and Use Language: They’re built on advanced AI that comprehends language, making them great at summarizing, translating, and generating text.
  • Data Analysis Tasks: ChatGPT can assist with data cleaning, creating basic visualizations, and summarizing data analysis findings.
  • Exploratory Data Analysis: They can provide quick insights into datasets, detect anomalies, and suggest variable relationships.
  • Data Preparation: From cleaning data to feature engineering, ChatGPT can automate and suggest processes for better data management.
  • Statistical Modeling: While not a substitute for professional data scientists, ChatGPT can offer guidance on basic statistical analysis and modeling.
  • Data Reporting: It can generate automated reports, presentations, and even design interactive dashboards.

While ChatGPT models offer a range of benefits for data analysis, they’re not without limitations. They can’t replace human expertise, especially for complex analysis or critical business decisions. However, they serve as powerful tools for preliminary data exploration, preparation, and reporting, speeding up processes and offering valuable insights.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a type of AI that can chat with people. It’s really smart at understanding and using language because it’s built on technology that gets how words and sentences fit together. This makes it good at coming up with replies that make sense based on what you ask it.

ChatGPT’s Capabilities

ChatGPT is great at doing things like summarizing articles, translating languages, answering questions, and creating new text. It’s like having a conversation with someone who understands exactly what you’re saying and can respond in a helpful way.

When it comes to working with data, ChatGPT can do some basic tasks like cleaning up data, making simple charts, and summarizing the main points of a data analysis. But it’s not yet able to handle the more complex work that data scientists do, like building advanced models to predict future trends.

Applications in Data Analysis

ChatGPT can be helpful in a few ways when you’re working with data:

  • Data Cleaning: It can spot problems in your data and suggest how to fix them.
  • Basic Visualizations: It can create simple graphs to help you see what’s going on in your data.
  • Reporting: It can help write up summaries of what the data shows.

But for the really tricky stuff, like forecasting or deep learning, you still need a data expert. ChatGPT is getting better all the time, but there’s still a gap between what it can do and what a skilled data scientist can do. As technology improves, we might see ChatGPT doing more in the field of data science.

Using ChatGPT for Exploratory Data Analysis

ChatGPT can really help when you’re starting to look at a new dataset. It can answer your questions and help you understand what’s in your data quickly.

Data Summarization

When you first get your hands on a dataset, you want to know what’s in it. With ChatGPT, you can just tell it about the data and ask for a summary:

“This dataset has info like customer ID, age, how much money they make, their gender, how much they’ve bought, and when they bought it. Can you give me a quick overview of what all this means?”

ChatGPT can then give you a summary that talks about things like what’s typical in your data, if there are any weird values, and if there might be any problems with the data.

Anomaly Detection

Finding weird or unusual data points is important for cleaning your data. You can ask ChatGPT:

“Do you see any data that doesn’t fit in with the rest? Can you show me those specific rows?”

This makes it easier to spot and fix issues without having to dig through the data yourself.

Discovering Variable Relationships

Finding out how different pieces of your data relate to each other can lead to interesting insights. You might ask ChatGPT:

“Can you check if there are any interesting links between product, price, where it’s sold, and how much is sold each month? Tell me about any strong connections you find.”

This can help you figure out which factors are worth looking into more deeply, maybe with more complex analysis or modeling.

Data Quality Assessment

Before you trust your analysis, you need to make sure your data is good. You can get ChatGPT’s help by asking:

“Can you check how complete and accurate my data is? Let me know if there are any problems or if I need to clean it up somehow.”

This saves you a lot of time checking the data yourself.

Basic Data Visualizations

ChatGPT can even help make simple charts to show what’s going on in your data. You could say:

“Can you make some basic graphs to show the main trends and outliers in this data, using tools like matplotlib and seaborn?”

You’ll get some straightforward charts that can help you see what’s happening at a glance.

So, while ChatGPT won’t take the place of a data scientist, it can make the early steps of looking at data much faster. By asking the right questions, you can skip the boring stuff and spend more time on the interesting parts of data analysis.

ChatGPT for Data Preparation and Transformation

Getting your data ready and changing it to suit your analysis needs is a big deal in data analysis. ChatGPT can be a big help here by doing the routine stuff and offering smart tips.

Data Cleaning

ChatGPT can whip up code to tackle various data cleaning tasks:

  • Finding and fixing missing bits of data
  • Spotting and getting rid of data that doesn’t fit
  • Making sure dates are in the same format
  • Fixing mistakes by checking against other data sources
  • Changing data types (like turning text into numbers)

This means you don’t have to write these data cleaning scripts yourself, which saves a bunch of time.

Data Preprocessing

Once the data is clean, it often needs a bit more work before you can analyze it:

  • Changing categories into numbers or flags
  • Making sure all data is on the same scale
  • Tweaking data (like using logs) to deal with curves
  • Filling in any missing bits of data
  • Changing data layout if needed

ChatGPT can put together the code you need for these steps based on what you’re trying to do.

Feature Engineering

ChatGPT can also suggest new ways to combine data to make it more useful:

  • Adding up numbers, finding averages, or medians
  • Comparing different bits of data
  • Looking at changes over time
  • Mixing and matching data in new ways

By looking at how data pieces fit together, ChatGPT can point out smart changes to try.

Data Filtering

To help with specific analysis tasks, ChatGPT can create code to:

  • Pick out certain categories or values
  • Choose samples carefully
  • Split data into training and testing sets
  • Focus on specific time periods

This makes it easier to get just the data you need without having to do it all by hand.

By using ChatGPT for the routine data prep work, analysts can spend more time on the important stuff like building models and finding insights. The time saved and the expert advice from ChatGPT are super helpful for anyone working with data.

Statistical Analysis and Modeling

While it’s true that complex number-crunching is best left to the pros, ChatGPT can help you get started with some basic modeling tips and quick model drafts to peek at early results.

Summary Statistics

ChatGPT can give you a deeper look into your data by calculating and explaining important stats like averages, middle values, most common values, spread of data, and more. This helps you get a better grip on what your data is saying.

It can also spot data points that stick out too much and suggest ways to make your data more normal if it’s skewed. This way, you start analyzing with a clear picture of what your data looks like.

Hypothesis Testing

If you’re wondering about things like whether one group buys more than another, ChatGPT can quickly test it out for you. It can check if the differences you see are just by chance or if they’re likely to be real.

It can also look at how two things might move together, like if people who’ve been customers longer tend to spend more.

Regression Modeling

ChatGPT can set up simple models that show how different things (like age or how much someone buys) might predict other stuff (like how much they’ll spend in the future). It’ll tell you how well the model works and what each part of your data does in the prediction.

This is a handy way to start making guesses based on your data, even if it’s just the beginning.

Classification Modeling

ChatGPT can also help with figuring out which category something falls into, like predicting if a customer will stick around or leave based on their details and behavior. It can show you which parts of your data are most important for these guesses.

This gives you a quick look at how to separate things into groups and understand why some factors matter more than others./banner/inline/?id=sbb-itb-99f891a

Data Reporting and Communication

Automated Reporting

ChatGPT can quickly make reports that show the main points, charts, insights, and advice from your data analysis.

  • It can create reports for PowerPoint, Google Slides, or other programs, based on what your data tells you
  • These reports have charts made by the computer, key points, and explanations that fit who’s going to read them
  • This way, you don’t have to spend a lot of time making reports yourself
  • ChatGPT can also keep reports up-to-date with new data, so the information doesn’t get old


ChatGPT can make slides for different audiences, based on what the data shows.

  • It makes slides about how you did the analysis, what you found, what’s not perfect, and what you think should happen next
  • It changes the slides for different people by making them more or less detailed
  • The slides come with charts and visuals that show what you’ve found in the data
  • They include summaries, endings, and suggestions for what to do next

Interactive Dashboards

ChatGPT can help design dashboards in tools like Tableau, Power BI, or Looker that let users see the data story easily.

  • These dashboards show important trends, numbers, and goals for keeping an eye on things
  • People can play with the dashboard to dig deeper into the data
  • ChatGPT suggests the best ways to set up these dashboards and what charts to use, based on what you need and who will use it
  • The dashboards stay current by updating with new data
  • This makes it easier for everyone in the company to understand and use the data insights

By using ChatGPT for making reports and presentations, analysts can share what they’ve found with both people who know a lot about data and those who don’t. This helps everyone make better choices based on the data.


To wrap things up, ChatGPT is not perfect for the really tough number-crunching jobs, but it’s super helpful for getting a head start on understanding data, getting it ready, making simple models, and sharing what you find. It’s like having a smart helper that makes the early steps quicker and easier.

Key Benefits

  • Quick insights: ChatGPT can fast-track the process of getting to know your data by summarizing it, spotting weird stuff, checking if the data’s good, and figuring out how different bits of data relate to each other.
  • Simpler data prep: ChatGPT can write code for you to clean up your data, get it in the right shape, and come up with new data features, making these must-do tasks a lot easier.
  • Fast model drafts: It lets you quickly try out simple models like regression (a way to predict future trends) and classification (sorting things into groups) to see early hints of what your data might be telling you.
  • Quick reports: ChatGPT can whip up summaries, slide decks, and even interactive dashboards in no time, making it easier to share your findings with others.


  • Not as smart as humans: ChatGPT can’t fully take over the expert thinking and decision-making that humans do when they analyze data.
  • Can be wrong: Sometimes, it might give you answers that aren’t quite right or that reflect biases from the data it was trained on. You need to double-check its work.
  • Not for big decisions: It’s not safe to rely only on ChatGPT for critical business choices. You’ll need a human to interpret what it says.
  • Needs human help: To really benefit from ChatGPT while avoiding mistakes, you need people who know their stuff to guide it, check its output, and blend it with their own expertise.

The Future

ChatGPT is getting better and could change how we work with data by making things faster and more accessible to everyone. But we have to use it wisely and keep an eye on its limits. By mixing the best of AI and human smarts, we can get more out of our data and save time for the really important analysis work.

Related Questions

Can you use ChatGPT for data analysis?

Yes, you can use ChatGPT for some basic tasks in data analysis. It can understand your questions about your data and give you summaries, simple charts, and basic insights in plain English.

But remember, ChatGPT isn’t cut out for more complicated tasks. It’s great as an extra tool for data analysts, but you should always double-check its answers as it can sometimes get things wrong.

Can ChatGPT do data modeling?

ChatGPT can handle very basic data modeling tasks, like regression and classification, to give you a first look at possible connections in your data.

Yet, it’s not ready to create detailed predictive models that businesses use. Those need a human touch, lots of knowledge, and careful testing. ChatGPT can help get things ready and draft simple models to speed up the process, but it can’t replace real data scientists.

What models does ChatGPT use?

ChatGPT is built on a type of AI model known as Transformer language models, similar to GPT-3.5 and GPT-4. These models were trained on a ton of text from the internet to get really good at understanding and using language. But they don’t know much about deep data analysis or complex modeling beyond what they’ve seen in texts.

What data is used in the ChatGPT model?

The models behind ChatGPT learned from a massive amount of text data from the internet, including websites like Wikipedia, news articles, books, and forums.

ChatGPT also learns from the data it gathers as people use it, like the questions they ask and the conversations they have. This info helps make ChatGPT better over time, but it’s kept private and used carefully.